Welcome to the 377th SPS Guestbook!
Please take your time to read what others have written here and enjoy the messages or suggestions that friends have left on our web site. We would like to hear what your comments are. If you are a former member of Tan Son Nhut, Air Base, or passed through the base, we especially need to hear from you, today.

Name:  Charles Penley  (377th Combat Security Police Squadron)Feb 09, 2025
Comments:  69th Signal BN, Task Force-35, Gary F. Monahan, wrote the below poem.  I would like to say, "Thank You, men of the 69th Sig BN, for your brave devotion to duty."

Task Force-35, consisted of 90 officers and men, broken down into 30 man platoon's.

Call sign, Task Force-1, Task Force-2 and Task Force-3.

TF-1 and TF-2, were on the West end, fighting along side with the 377th SPS.

There were two men, from this Task Force-35, who would lose their lives.

They were:  Sgt Laszlo Boross and PFC John L. Nielson.

They were a machine gun, crew.


Name:  Charles Penley  (377th Combat Security Police Squadron)Jan 01, 2025
Comments:  Many of the men and women who come to this web page, wonder if it is still active.

This page is still an active page.

We are all getting older and our lives change, to that of senior citizens.

There is hardly any reuions for us to go to, due to our ages and distances we would have to travel.

We certainly miss your companionship and conversations.

Name:  Charles Penley  (377th Combat Security Police Squadron)Jan 01, 2025
Comments:  Wishing that 2025 will be better than 2024 for each and every one of you.